Special Education Needs
Special Education Needs
A Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) provides support to students with special educational needs throughout the duration of their studies.
The needs of the majority of students will be met in the classroom. Teachers are expected to make every effort to ensure that students with special educational needs are also fully involved in the class. It will be necessary for some of the students to spend time working in small groups, or be given more attention so as to keep them focused on the assigned tasks and timed activities.

- Providing advice to teachers, supporting and liaising with them, and completing the Individual Education Plans (IEP) where necessary.
- Working alongside teachers to assist them in identifying, assessing and planning for the students’ needs and ensuring that the students make progress.
- Overseeing and maintaining specific resources for special educational needs.
- Co-coordinating the range of support available to children with special educational needs.
- Liaising with parents of children with special educational needs in conjunction with the homeroom teachers.
Our school has a well equipped clinic which is managed by a full-time, registered and experienced nurse who strengthens and facilitates the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of school children. The major focus of school nursing services is the prevention of illness and disability, and the early detection and correction of health problems. Also, the nurse provides preliminary treatment in case of any accidental injuries. The school nurse is uniquely qualified in preventative health, health assessment and referral procedures.